Yesterday I did TWO new things...though one is kind of a cop-out. Let's get to that one first.
Yesterday I did something I've never done before--I turned 27!! I've never been this age before :) Oh me oh my, I'm getting old.
It was a lovely, laidback sorta day (to even out the over-the-topness of this past Saturday, where we had a four-way birthday party--which included mine, of course--& our housewarming party). First I woke up to a note from D & found that I had glitter on my face. Birthday fairies, for sure. Then I mostly just lazed about, drinking iced coffee & eating breakfast, watching tv, farting around online, snuggling my cat & playing with birthday gifts. Then out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw someone quickly go into the backyard & then I heard a knock on the door. Weird. So I threw a t-shirt on over my tank top (it was gross pajama-y) & answered the door. Oh, & I thought I heard footsteps running away. No one was at the door, but there was a bundle of roses & a small brown paper bag on the doorstep. Weird, but fun! I gathered up the gifts, looked around the corner to see no one & then heard the front doorbell ring. What! So I went over one(thought later I discovered that that was the first place he went & that he had left a single rose on the step there. aw!). Then there was a knock on the side door again--I thought I was losing it! I go over, open the door & it's Derrick!! He took a secret half day, sneaky-sneak! I had even talked to him on his "break" about an hour earlier, & I had no suspicions.
So we hung out & ate the nime chow he brought me (best one eveeeeeeeeeeer), then I hopped in the shower while he rain to the transfer station (read: fancy word for dump) to bring the party trash. After he frosted my cake we hopped in the car, picked up some falafels & went to Scarborough. Ahhh, delightful. While at Scarborough we finally had a chance to use something we bought about a month ago. And this leads me to New Thing #7...Boogy boarding!
I have to admit, I was a little nervous for numerous reasons. There's been great white shark sightings at Cape Cod recently & I sometimes get in my own head & freak myself out that I "see" things...which always end up being the shadow of my head or a hunk of seaweed or, like yesterday, someone's t-shirt, haha! I didn't want to look like a giant seal! But I quickly put that out of my mind because it's dumb to let stuff like that stop you (if we were actually on the Cape it might be a different story), especially when I know I'm just having a worrywart moment & it will pass. Also, it was my birthday & it was hot as hell & damnit, I was going in the ocean with my husband (even if it was a little chilly at first).
The waves alternated between totally nonexistent & lame to pretty sizeable & awesome. Another of my reasons for nervousness was that I didn't want to get whacked by a crazy wave while boogy boarding & hurt my back even more. Oh, & I'm a sissy & didn't want to get saltwater up my nose--it burns like crazy, ok??
But anyway, once I stopped being a baby D strapped the string to my wrist & we hung out in the water, waiting for a wave. Then there was a big one & it was aweeesooooooooooome! I rode it perfectly & it brought me almost to the shore. So fun! My next ride did not go as smoothly. It was a really big wave & I ended up being in the breaking part of the wave which succeeded in ripping the board string from the bracelet of my wrist, getting a metric ton of water up my nose & pulling my bathing suit down--top AND bottom. Nice. But I think major crisis was averted--we got the board back & fixed it, & I don't think anyone saw my naked body. And if they did, whatever, it was my birthday....suit. Wah-wuuuuuuuuuh! :)
Following our beach extravaganza, we changed in the parking lot (scandalous!) & I was forced to wear a blindfold (actually a green satin sleep mask, haha) to a secret destination...which ended up being home, where my parents & a few friends were waiting with the (now flaming) cake Derrick made for me, a bottle of champagne & a pretty orchid from Mom & Dad! What a fun surprise :) Also, very glad that we don't have to eat that entire cake, whew!
So, yeah. Yay birthdays! Yay boogy boarding!